Tuesday, March 31, 2009

READING LISTS: Kelly McCann's Reading List

Want to learn something new? Read an old book. Combative concepts have been around forever. Techniques don't vary much but the concept behind their use, method of application and mindset may. Not to be flippant but frankly I've never cared whether a strike is called a "tiger claw" or "face mash" or who called what when - you don't whip anyone's ass reciting proper terminology. All I care about is effectiveness.

Read as much as possible about combatives. Form your own educated opinions. Combatives are only a loose set of finite techniques applied violently - they're not meant to be difficult to understand or practice, they're designed to be simple, effective and easy to recall under duress. There's not a combatives "system." Combatives comprise a collection of techniques each practicioner chooses from and relies on based on his / her personal attributes and preferences. By the way, just because a technique appears in an old black & white book doesn't mean it is "battle-proven" or provides an assurance of success. Some of the old stuff plain sucks. So don't do what sucks. Combatives - as promulgated by ANY author - are not sacrosanct. Use techniques that are most powerful and effective for you, dump the rest.

When combatives are made difficult, they're no longer combatives.

Know what you're talking about. Bang hard and work out your own "system" or curriculum.

There are some exhaustive reading lists on Combatives websites. Surf around and see what's out there. I tend not to read everything from any one author as a lot of it has been repackaged and repackaged again. Once I think I have a feel for what the author's about I'll pick something else up. I like old books and always keep my eyes open in antique stores, at the odd flea market and dusty joints selling old stuff. I scored "Boxing" (1940) Edwin Haislet - a great boxing reference - an edition of "The Complete Jujitsuan" (1914) W.H. Garrud and a 1943 United States Prison Service defensive tactics reference titled, "Physical Training" at a remote gas station I stopped at when traveling once - you'll be amazed what you'll find around when you start looking.

In no particular order of preference:

John Styers "Cold Steel"

W.E. Fairbairn "Defendu","Get Tough","Scientific Self-Defense"

Joseph Rosa "The Gunfighter - Man or Myth?"

B.J. Cosneck "American Combat Judo"

John Martone "Handbook of Self-Defense - for Law Enforcement Officers"

Rex Applegate "Kill or be Killed"

W.E. Fairbairn & E.A. Sykes "Shooting to Live"

USMC Field Manual (Dermot O'neil) "Combat Conditioning"

US Army 21-150 (circa 1940's) "Combatives"

Wesley Brown "Hand to Hand Combat","Self Defense"

Leon Claire Metz "The Shooters"

Drexel Biddle "Do or Die"

James Hipkiss "Your Answer to Invasion"

Francois D'eliscu "Hand to Hand Combat"

Cut and pasted from: http://www.kellymccanncombatives.com/?itemCategory=34162&siteid=314&priorId=0



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