Dear Readers/Visitors:
*Bows deeply*
I never thought I would reach this milestone! I sincerely thank the readers/visitors as well as the various authors/instructors whose material I've archived!!
Of the 500 posts, only 25 or so are popular with over 500 views. In other words, only 5% of my 500 posts have 500+ views and 95% are, well, not popular LOL. There are a few with 100+ views but mostly the less-than-popular posts average 25 views. Although, it still baffles me to this day how two posts that were Links to a Forum could be so popular?!?! I haven't actively tried to promote my site/posts because I feel the layout is still not up to par yet. Still working on it. I imagine once I start actively pimping posts, the word will spread.
Well, here's to my next 500 posts... hopefully all quality and content-rich. Also, hoping that you will find useful and help you in your Sojourn of Septillion Steps!
Some reminders:
- Should you need to Contact me, you can click the Contact button located on the Top Menubar. You can use the Contact form there or find my email address. On the Sidebar, there's an Email icon with a White envelope and green background - that may be a faster way if you only want to email me.
- Also, should you want to Subscribe to my site and be informed of new updates/posts without having to surf to my site, there are two methods: 1) RSS feeds and 2) Email subscription. Check my Subscribe page for information.
... Sometimes the posts can be long. Instead of scrolling back via the scrollbar, check this out. This button located in the lower right corner of the page when clicked will send you back to the top. Very fast!
- In the lower left corner of the page, there is a green circle. Please click that and check out its function. Pretty nifty!
- Lastly, please feel free to leave Comments in posts if you desire. It is Moderated, therefore, after I check it out, I will post the Comment. Just making sure it's not Spam. For a spell, I didn't select the Moderated Comments and my site's comments was spammed by Asian Pr0n sites and sites selling counterfeit handbags!!
My sincerest thanks for your support and joining me on my Sojourn of Septillion Steps in these "things" we call Martial Arts and Life!!
Very truly yours in the Martial Arts & Self-Defense,
Top 25 Popular Posts
I've noticed the Popular Posts widget located in my Sidebar to the right is not reflecting correctly the true Popular Posts. Not sure why. Tried to figure it out with no headway for now. May take down that part of my Sidebar. *shrugs*
Below are the true Popular Posts... instead of 10, I went to 25 though which coincided with the 500+ views cutoff boundary I arbitrarily picked.
Without further ado, I present to you the Top 25 Popular Posts (as of this writing March 20, 2013):
25. EBOOKS: JudoInfo

NOTE: ACK! I didn't remember about this project. Gotta start it up soon!

NOTE: This entry shows up as #10 on my Sidebar from the automated Popular Posts widget when in fact it's #14.
NOTE: This thread amassed extensive views in a brief period which I've noted in the following entry:
TRENDING NOW: The Jabbing File by Rastus
Since then it dropped down a few spots.
12. SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Rear Bear Hug Escape
NOTE: This entry shows up as #9 on my Sidebar from the automated Popular Posts widget when in fact it's #12 as of this postiing 3/21/13.
11. MOVIES: Donnie Yen's Ip Man (Chain Punches)

NOTE: 2 more GIF's in the above link.
10. MMA: Lyoto 'The Dragon' Machida 1 - Background and Takedowns

9. TV: The Return of American Gladiators to TV

8th Popular Post all the way to #1 are the same as the Sidebar's Widget.
Thank you one and all!! Enjoy!!!
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