Friday, December 26, 2014

Dwight McLemore's Thoughts on the Bowie Knife

Dwight C. McLemore wrote 2 books on the Bowie Knife as well as instruction in a video: 

1) Bowie and Big-Knife Fighting System

Click for larger pic

2) Advanced Bowie Knife:  The Finer Points of Fighting with a Large Knife

Click for larger pic

3) Bowie Knife, Big Knife Dueling video

He posted some thoughts on the Bowie Knife on his Facebook in hopes of clearing the air surrounding the mystique and misinformation on the Bowie as well as on the man himself.

For some reason every year about this time I get a lot of messages asking questions about Jim Bowie, The Bowie Knife, the sandbar fight etc. Guys, while I am honored to be asked I,m not the fountainhead of knowledge on this subject. In spite of what you may hear, or see on the forms there are no specific Bowie Knife Techniques! 19th century articles by fencing masters, and newspaper articles are just really an opinion and reflective of the period. Take them for what they are worth. All that said before I hurt someone,s feelings below you will see what I consider to be the most accurate reputable books on the subject. Go find them, go read them! All the answers are there. I, ll describe these in subsequent posts.

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

This book covers the historical life of Davy Crockett, William B. Travis, & James Bowie. It goes along way to reveal the truth about Bowie the person and debunk the myths about his life. You can read it in total chapter by chapter or pick out the chapters on the person you are interested in. Really worth the time if you want to know about Bowie,s personality.....

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

This book is all about Bowie Knife myths, types & designs, and the folklore associated with what we call the Bowie Knife. It busts a lot of people,s bubbles about Jim Bowie the Mythical knife duelists. Expense, coffee table size book that is well worth having.

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

This is fellow artist Paul Kirchner latest contribution on the subject and present an accurate picture of many bowie knife fights & techniques from the 19th century.

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

This is the best account of the historical sandbar fight that began Bowie, s reputation and contributed so much to the myths & folklore.

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

Photo credit:  Dwight McLemore's Facebook

Two examples : The Iron Mistress is fiction and purely a tall tale that influences people,s idea about the heroic Jim Bowie, his excaluber like knife, and numerous duels. Great fun read but folklore pure and simple. Raymond Thorpe,s Bowie Knife, is based on 19th century newspapers and is a good example of how we can easily be influenced by folklore.....Lord Knows I used to believe this stuff. Well I,m done! Go read thus stuff.

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