Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lameco Eskrima - Single Dagger Training Drills

Lameco Eskrima
Single Dagger Training Drills
Pekiti Tirsia Tapping Method
  1. Using one hand tapping method against hammer/ice pick grip.
  2. Using one hand tapping method against hammer/ice pick grip with feeder countering with left hand.
  3. Using one hand tapping method against hammer/ice pick grip with feeder inserting fakes and countering with left hand.
Ilustrisimo Tapping Method
  1. Using the follow, waslik and finger jabs against hammer/ice pick grip.
  2. Using multiple follow, waslik and finger jab combinations against hammer/ice pick grip.
Lameco Siniguro ("Make it Sure") Tapping Method
  1. Catch & elbow wrench to pass, catch & elbow wrench.
  2. Catch & elbow wrench to pass, catch & elbow wrench against follow-up attack with left hand.
Combination of Pekiti Tirsia & Siniguro Tapping Methods
Blend into attack using the Pekiti Tirsia method then control limb with the Siniguro method.
Sensitivity Training
Follow limb with light contact; if feeder retracts arm, close and disarm.

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In case you missed the earlier posts in this Lameco Eskrima series, please check out:



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