Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lameco Eskrima - Contradas

La contra: "meet the force" to destroy any strike with an opposing strike i.e. forehand vs. forehand, backhand vs. backhand


1. La contra y Witik
a. meet the force followed by a forehand or backhand witik


2. La contra y Redondo
a. meet the force followed by a forehand or backhand redondo (power slash)


3. La contra y Ikis (downward X)
a. backhand diagonal slash and a forehand diagonal slash
b. forehand diagonal slash and a backhand diagonal slash


4. La contra y Kilat
a. backhand witik, backhand diagonal slash and a forehand diagonal slash
b. Forehand diagonal slash, backhand witik, and a backhand diagonal slash


5. La contra y Crossada
a. vertical backhand redondo, backhand horizontal slash, forehand horizontal slash and another vertical backhand redondo
b. vertical forehand redondo, forehand horizontal slash, backhand horizontal slash and another vertical forehand slash


6. La contra y Kawayan
a. backhand horizontal slash, forehand horizontal slash, vertical backhand redondo
b. forehand horizontal slash vertical backhand Redondo, backhand horizontal


7. La contra y Ikis y Redondo
a. backhand vertical redondo, backhand diagonal slash forehand diagonal slash
b. forehand diagonal slash, backhand vertical redondo backhand diagonal slash

Deepest gratitude to Guro Ben Fajardo for the share.

In case you missed the earlier posts in this Lameco Eskrima series, please check out:



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