Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Vanishing Flame: Burma - Saturday, October 1, 2011

Been jammed at home, been wanting to put this up earlier...

Copied from Real Art's The Vanishing Flame: Burma Facebook page:

One Night only, Saturday, October 1, 2011

RAW Teaser from Vanishing Flame on Vimeo.

... The Vanishing Flame series by filmmaker Vincent Giordano is a twenty-year investigative journey into the hidden martial traditions of Southeast Asia and India. This special presentation focuses on the martial traditions of Burma exploring the rich ethnic diversity and cultural heritage woven within the ancient martial traditions.

The evening will include a series of short films, followed by a live discussion with a panel of experts highlighting not only the physical techniques but also the deeply spiritual roots of the traditional martial arts.

Special Guests:
Burmese Grandmaster Maung Gyi, Ph.D.
Master Zulfi Ahmed
Master Mary Mester
Camus Celli

"Perhaps most interesting was his piece on the rare Tiger Spirit Dancers Of Myanmar (formerly Burma) engaging in a ritual that supposedly infuses them with the spirit of the beast. The practice is becoming increasingly rare because it's frowned on by the country's authoritarian rulers…the footage made for a unique, colorful look into a nearly extinct cultural tradition."- Mark Jacobs, Black Belt Magazine

(2011, Burma/USA, 70 mins)

Please visit Real Art's The Vanishing Flame: Burma Facebook page or for directions or more info.

The special guests should make this night an especially memorable event... a Who's Who of Bando and the Martial Arts in general. Couldn't make the previous event, trying to make it to his one. Enjoy!



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